Today the OAA is taking a new step toward creating better communication with the 3D Archery community in Ontario. This will provide an opportunity and a forum for the 3D archers to have a voice, through direct input into the progress of matters pertaining specifically to 3D Archery in collaboration with the OAA Board Of Directors.

A 3D Advisory Committee has been created to address the needs and requests of 3D archers in Ontario. Composed of volunteers from the 3D shooting
community, the 3D Advisory Committee will facilitate conversation with and gather input from the 3D community on behalf of the OAA Board of Directors.
This committee will be made up of those who are active in 3D Archery, in Ontario; have a passion to grow and promote 3D Archery in the province and are in good standing with the OAA (i.e. paid/current membership; knowledge of and participation in 3D events for past 3 years preferred).
The 3D Advisory Committee will collect, review and discuss matters relevant to 3D Archery in the province of Ontario in order to come to consensus on Procedural Changes, Rule Changes and Event Changes.
The committee will make recommendations by drafting proposals for change, to be submitted to the OAA Board of Directors for ratification by vote at the OAA's Annual General Meeting. Work must be completed in accordance with Not-For-Profit Corporations Act of Ontario which the OAA is obligated to follow (and in some instances, may be subject to approval by our funder, MTCS).
The 3D Advisory Committee will be responsible for facilitating a 3D Archery member's meeting to be held at the 3D Championships or a date recommended by the 3D Committee. All those attending this specific 3D Archery meeting must be members in good standing of the OAA. The meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Not-For-Profit Corporations Act of Ontario.
The committee will be made up of 5 Volunteers, with a Chair person appointed by the OAA President.
Joe Florent has volunteered to Chair the 3D Advisory Committee, the remaining 4 committee positions will be selected from those who volunteer for the positions.
Note that there are a limited number of positions to fill.
If you would like to be a part of growing 3D Archery in Ontario for the future, please email me your interest directly (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to volunteer for a position on the 3D Advisory Committee ‘For the Future’...interest for selection to the 3D Archery committee must be submitted by end of day Wednesday, September 5th 2018.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing and participating in the progress of 3D Archery under the direction of the 3D Advisory Committee. Together we can shape archery ‘For the Future’ – leaving a lasting legacy for those who will follow.

Michael Martin
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